Wednesday, September 8, 2010

PTSD and Chronic Pain

PTSDers with chronic pain "experience greater difficulty coping with the pain, higher levels of pain and distress, and greater interference of pain in their lives than people who have no PTSD symptoms," according to the National Pain Foundation. Understanding that a patient has both PTSD and chronic pain is essential for a medical provider to offer thorough and correct treatment for both conditions, or else they are at the risk of solving neither.

The National Pain Foundation's article PTSD and Chronic Pain offers tips for patients talking with their doctors and for doctors treating patients with PTSD.

1 comment:

  1. Victims of abuse are at risk for many physical problems and chronic pain. Why?
    Research indicates unfelt feelings from trauma are stored in our bodies physically; more abuse means more stored feelings. The more we have store feelings, the more stress we have in our bodies. Stored feelings are in us until we feel them, usually at a safer time.

    My research found that to survive a childhood of abuse, children have to keep going using the technique of not feeling and storing feelings in their bodies. This puts stress on our bodies. In addition, most victims become hyper-responsive to any stress, which increases it level. Stored feelings are in us until we feel them, usually at a safer time. Most people with PTSD suffer from unfelt feelings.
